To annul those local regulations or decisions of the organs of state power of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government that contravene the Constitution, the law or the administrative rules and regulations; (八)撤销省、自治区、直辖市国家权力机关制定的同宪法、法律和行政法规相抵触的地方性法规和决议;
The local standards formulated by standardization administration departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government for the safety and sanitary requirements of industrial products shall be compulsory standards within their respective administrative areas. 省、自治区、直辖市标准化行政主管部门制定的工业产品的安全、卫生要求的地方标准,在本行政区域内是强制性标准。
Local rules enacted by the People's Government of a province or autonomous region have higher legal authority than local rules enacted by the People's Government of a major city located in its jurisdiction. 省、治区的人民政府制定的规章的效力高于本行政区域内的较大的市的人民政府制定的规章。
There are two reasons for this: one is the inner drive of the independent development of the national autonomous local government and the other is the outer pressure of the national autonomous local government. 在西部开发的背景下民族自治地方政府与中央政府关系的凸现有两大原因:一是民族自治地方政府自主发展的内在动力,二是民族自治地方政府存在的外在压力。
The government development of the ethnic autonomous regions refers to the continuous optimization of the structure of the local autonomous government with its autonomy as the core, the improvement of the administration and a more active and capable government. 民族自治地方政府发展是指以自治权为核心的民族自治地方政府体系不断优化,行政管理水平不断提高,政府活力和政府能力不断提升的持续改善的过程。
The author analyses the attribute of local governments of ethnic areas, and considers that their nationality is reflected in the process of developing the relationship of ethnic groups, nationalization of autonomous government, self-governing authority and the government. 作者认为民族自治地方政府具有民族性、政治性与公共性三大属性,其中:民族性是通过发展民族关系、自治机关民族化、自治权以及政府过程等方面反映出来;
The regulatory systems of two countries belong to the vertical structure, but South Korea tends to lead with the local autonomous, and our tendency is more dominant and driven to the central government. 两国的监管体制属于垂直结构,只是韩国趋向于地方主导与自主型,而我国则更多的趋向于中央政府主导与驱动型。
Finally, the cultural construction of the ethnic autonomous area local government and network culture governance is mission of the ethnic autonomous area government informatization construction in the information era. 最后,民族自治地方政府的信息文化建设和网络文化治理是民族自治地方政府信息化建设的时代使命。
In the era of knowledge economy, the local talent quality status of national autonomous areas has a direct impact on the effect of regional national autonomy and management performance of local government in national autonomous area. 而在知识经济时代背景下,民族自治地方人才的素质状况直接影响民族区域自治的效果和民族自治地方政府的管理效能。
This teaching model is having a large scale based on the Central government and local Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government policies and laws. 现在这种教学模式已以中央政府和新疆维吾尔自治区政府有关政策、法律为依据的条件下,大规模地进行。
The appearance of these new kinds of social groups and local autonomous organizations led to a sharing of the administrative powers of the local government and facilitated the process of the development of local social autonomy. 新式社团和地方自治机构的出现,分享了地方政府的行政权力,促成了地方社会的自治化进程。